This is my first blog ever on the internet. A special thanks to my son Richard who was the brains and the drive behind establishing this site to host my photography. Without his expertise it wouldnt be possible to show you an array of my photographs. But enough about him as this site is about me and my passion for photography. It all started a few years ago when my wife and I went to Sedona Arizona and my first digital camera of 4 mg pixels. Hiking the trails provided such a vast array of photo opportunities. My neck got more exercise than my feet. Starting out taking those plain old travel pictures that would make you say remember that or thats nice wasnt good enough after about 2 years. I needed to be able to feel and say more so I graduated to a Nikon D80. This site is being worked on as I write. Lots to do and learn from my techy son so stay tuned. Watch for more to write and more pictures.
This site looks great and I will continue to check back and see what is going on. I know your son Richard fron the internet. He did a good job too, nice to see families working together to do good things.
Tom Urich
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
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